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The Squarepeg Podcast

Feb 27, 2021

Beth Rees is currently waiting for her autism assessment after being initially diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder.

She’s a mental health blogger in her thirties, and lives in Caerphilly in South Wales, where she also works for a local charity.

She’s hoping that sharing her story will help other autistic people who have been misdiagnosed with BPD.

In my conversation with Beth we talk about:

➡ Being diagnosed with BPD, then realising that the diagnosis doesn’t fit

➡ The journey of discovery - discovering all the things about ourselves that are actually autistic traits

Questioning mental health diagnoses - is it depression or autistic burnout?

➡ Experiencing imposter syndrome when you don’t yet have a formal diagnosis

➡ Why parents need to be asked better questions during the diagnosis interview

Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes.

I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.

I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.



Information about BPD from Mind UK: 

From Mind UK - What to do if you suspect your diagnosis is wrong: 


Beth’s blog:  

Her Instagram:

Facebook page:




Women and Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder (Sarah Hendrickx)

Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism (Barb Cook and Dr Michelle Garnett)

Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum (Jennifer Cook O'Toole)

I Think I Might Be Autistic: A Guide to Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosis and Self-Discovery for Adults (Cynthia Kim)


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