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The Squarepeg Podcast

Mar 20, 2021

My guest today is Jess Hendrickx, owner of Hendrickx Associates, a company in East Sussex, UK that provides non-clinical adult autism assessments and support for autistic young people and adults.

Jess was diagnosed herself in 2018, aged 30, and her partner is also autistic. 

Jess supports autistic adults to build self-awareness, identify their goals and come to terms with their diagnosis. After working in the business as an administrator for several years, and then as an autism coach and mentor, she took over the running of the company from her mum, Sarah Hendrickx, in the autumn of 2020. 

In my conversation with Jess we talk about:

➡ Her difficult teenage years

➡ Finally finding her purpose, after a series of abandoned courses and various different jobs

➡ Her work with Hendrickx Associates, and what she’s learned through coaching and mentoring other autistic people

➡ The challenges and positives of being in a relationship when you’re both autistic

➡ Her takes on special interests and late diagnosis 

Squarepeg is a podcast in which neurodivergent women, and trans and nonbinary people, explore navigating a neurotypical world and share their insights, challenges and successes.

I hope that these conversations will be inspiring and thought provoking, open you up to new ways of thinking about being neurodivergent, and help you feel more connected to a worldwide community of people with similar experiences.

I’m Amy Richards, and after being diagnosed autistic at the age of 37 I’m now on a mission to learn more about different perspectives and issues around being a neurodivergent adult in a world that feels like it doesn’t quite fit.



Hendrickx Associates website: 

Invisible I: 

Women & Girls with Autism Spectrum Disorder - Sarah Hendrickx


If you'd like to connect or get in touch with Squarepeg, you can find me on:




Or on my website: 



A HUGE thank you to my amazing patrons, who support my work on the podcast:

Corinne Cariad
Katharine Richards
Lea LiLilli Simmons
Sarah Hardy

If you’re enjoying the Squarepeg podcast and would like to help me carry on making new episodes, you can become a member of the Squarepeg community on Patreon from £3 per month: